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के तपाइमा कुनै लागु पर्दाथ मादक पर्दार्थको कुलत छ? तपाइको समाज र घरपरिवारमा मानसिकताको समस्या छ?सम्पर्क न : ९८६६००४१३६ - ९८१४१२७१६३ - ९८६४८९९९१७


नमस्कार ! के तपाईंमा नसा सम्बन्धी कुनै समस्या छ? संपर्क गर्नु होस् : ९८६६००४१३६




कुनै पनि नसा सम्बन्धी समस्या छ? तुरुन्तै फोन गर्नुहोस् !!!




















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Empowering Financial Management in Recovery

Being on the journey of recovery from addiction is a courageous step towards reclaiming your life and finding peace. This journey is filled with challenges and setbacks. Though the journey of recovery helps in self-discovery and healing, there is another path to navigate- a path towards managing your financial stability.

Link between Recovery and Financial Well-being 

Managing money can be difficult for many people, but even more for a person in addiction recovery. The consequences of addiction can be heavy on your finances, leaving you with debts, unpaid bills, and financial insecurity. Making smart choices can help a person in recovery, reduce stress and leads to journey towards financial wellness. 

Step towards Financial Management

Rebuilding your finances in recovery is not just about balancing your budget but about empowering over your financial future. It’s about taking tangible steps to create a life of stability. 

Here are some ways to embrace financial empowerment on the journey to recovery:

1.Following a budgeting and saving plan: Developing and following a realistic budgeting and saving plan that outlines your income, expenses and saving goals is the good first step to practice responsible spending habits. Prioritize essential expenses such as food, healthcare, housing and allocate income wisely. 

2.Track Expenses: Keeping track of your spending helps to identify the areas where you can cut back and save money. You can use tools such as budgeting apps that analyze your spending and saving habits to improve finances. 

3.Seek Support and Guidance: Take advantage of financial education resources and workshops. Reach out to trusted friends, family or professionals who can offer support and guidance. Consider working with financial advisor to gain valuable insights and resources on managing money effectively.

4.Set Realistic Goals: Start with small achievable financial goals. Whether it’s creating a budget, paying off a debt, building and emergency fund, setting realistic goals will help you to stay focused and motivated.

Importance of Financial Management in Recovery

Financial Management is essential for people in recovery for long term sobriety. By developing healthy financial management, individuals can reduce stress, minimize financial strain, and create a stable and secure life. Here are some reasons why financial management is crucial in the recovery journey:

1.Promotes Accountability and Responsibility

2.Reduces Stress and Anxiety

3.Supports long-Term Goals 

4.Builds Confidence and Self-Esteem

Financial Management in recovery is a journey of transformation that rebuilds stability, regains control over finances, cultivates a sense of empowerment and confidence in their ability to thrive in recovery. 

If you are struggling with addiction and financial challenges, feel free to reach out for support from trusted professionals. Together, we can embark on a journey of recovery and build a stable future filled with hope, resilience, and financial well-being.

SEE परीक्षाको सम्पुर्ण भाईबहिनीहरुलाई सफलताको शुभकामना

SEE परिक्षा २०८१

SEE परिक्षा नजिकिदै गरेकोमा सम्पुर्ण भाईबहिनीहरुलाई सफलताको शुभकामना | यो एक महत्वपूर्ण समय हो, तर म तपाईलाई आश्वस्त पार्न चाहन्छु कि तपाईले पहिले नै आफ्नो परीक्षामा उत्कृष्ट हुनको लागि आवश्यक कडा परिश्रम र समर्पण राख्नुभएको छ। परीक्षाको दिन नजिकिँदै गर्दा अलिकति नर्भस वा तनाव महसुस हुनु स्वाभाविक हो, तर तपाईं जस्तोसुकै चुनौतीहरू सामना गर्न सक्षम हुनुहुन्छ। आफ्नो क्षमता र तपाईंले अहिलेसम्म गरेका सबै तयारीहरूमा विश्वास गर्नुहोस् र आफैमा विश्वास गर्नुहोस् |

एसईई परीक्षा महत्त्वपूर्ण छ तर तनाव लिनु परीक्षाको सामना गर्ने उत्तम उपाय होइन, विद्यार्थीहरूले आफ्नो दिमाग शान्त राख्नुपर्छ। परीक्षाको तयारी गर्न समयतालिका बनाउनुहोस् र सबै विषयहरूलाई समय दिनुहोस्। परीक्षा दिँदा दिमाग शान्त राख्नु होला, प्रश्न १ बाट सुरु गर्नु आवश्यक छैन, नबुझेको र गाह्रो प्रश्नमा अल्झिनुको सट्टा तपाईलाई सजिलो र थाहा हुने प्रश्नहरू समाधान गर्न सुरु गर्नुहोस्। विशेष गरी गणित जस्ता विषयको परीक्षा दिँदै गर्दा कुनै प्रश्नमा अड्किएको महसुस भएमा अहिलेको लागि त्यसलाई छाड्नु र अन्य प्रश्नहरू समाधान गर्नुहोस् किनभनें समय सिमित छ र लगभग सबै प्रश्नहरू समाधान गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । SEE को समयमा, राम्रोसँग अध्ययन गर्नुहोस्, र राम्रोसँग सुत्नुहोस्, किनभने राम्रो निद्राले एकाग्रता सुधार गर्न र फोकस बढाउन मद्दत गर्दछ। अभिभावकहरूलाई मेरो अनुरोध छ कि आफ्ना बच्चाहरूलाई तनाव नदिनुहोस् किनभने यसले उनीहरूको मानसिक स्वास्थ्यलाई असर गर्न सक्छ।

नतिजा जस्तोसुकै भए पनि, सधैं सम्झनुहोस् कि तपाईंले कडा परिश्रम गर्नुभयो, र त्यो आफैमा एक उल्लेखनीय उपलब्धि हो। तनाव र चिन्ताले तपाईंको आत्मविश्वासलाई ओझेलमा नपारी स्पष्ट दिमागका साथ प्रत्येक प्रश्नमा जानुहोस्।, यस परीक्षाको उद्देश्य तपाईंको ज्ञान र सीपहरू प्रदर्शन गर्नु हो,  तपाईंको तनाव स्तरहरू परीक्षण गर्नु होइन। सकारात्मक सोचका साथ परीक्षा कोठामा जानुहोस्, सक्दो प्रयास गर्नुहोस्, र बाँकीलाई स्वाभाविक रूपमा प्रकट गर्न छोड्नुहोस्।

अन्तिम क्षणको डर र आत्म-शङ्काको सामना गरिरहेका विद्यार्थीहरूलाई, म तपाईंलाई आश्वस्त पार्न चाहन्छु - घबराहट स्वाभाविक हो, तर यो आवश्यक छ कि यसले तपाईंको क्षमताहरूलाई ओझेलमा नपरोस्। आफू र आफ्नो क्षमतामा विश्वास गर्नुहोस्। गहिरो सास लिनुहोस्, केन्द्रित रहनुहोस्, र प्रत्येक प्रश्नलाई आत्मविश्वास र स्पष्टताका साथ हल गर्नुहोस्। तपाईले महसुस गर्नु भन्दा धेरै सक्षम हुनुहुन्छ।

यी विद्यार्थीहरूलाई बाटोको हरेक पाइलामा सहयोग गर्ने परिवार र शिक्षकहरूलाई, तपाईंको मार्गदर्शन र प्रोत्साहनले उनीहरूको यात्रामा महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छ। तिनीहरूको सम्भाव्यतामा तपाईंको अटल विश्वास अनिश्चितताको क्षणहरूमा प्रकाशको प्रकाशको रूपमा काम गर्दछ।

परीक्षाको दिन सुरु हुँदै गर्दा, याद गर्नुहोस् कि तपाईको मूल्य स्कोरकार्डले परिभाषित गर्दैन। नतिजा जस्तोसुकै भए पनि, तपाईं प्रत्येकसँग अद्वितीय प्रतिभा, जोश, र सम्भाव्यता छ जुन संसारमा प्रकट हुनको लागि पर्खिरहेको छ। खोजको यो यात्रालाई अँगाल्नुहोस्, तपाईंको बाटोमा आउने चुनौतिहरूलाई अँगाल्नुहोस्, र बुझ्नुहोस् कि दृढता र दृढताका साथ, तपाईं महानता प्राप्त गर्न सक्षम हुनुहुन्छ।

SEE परीक्षाको सफलताको शुभकामना| तपाईको कडा परिश्रमले फल दिओस्, तपाईको प्रयासलाई इनाम मिलोस्, र तपाई यस अनुभवबाट बलियो, बुद्धिमानी र अगाडि जे छ त्यसलाई जित्न तयार हुनुहुनेछ। आफैमा विश्वास गर्नुहोस्, ध्यान केन्द्रित रहनुहोस्, र सम्झनुहोस्, संसार तपाईं प्रत्येक भित्र रहेको प्रतिभाको साक्षीको लागि पर्खिरहेको छ।

Best wishes to all students taking the SEE examination!

Power of Holistic Approaches in Addiction Recovery

Welcome to Sudhar Kendra Pokhara's comprehensive exploration of holistic approaches in addiction recovery. In this in-depth guide, we'll navigate the transformative power of holistic methods, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in achieving lasting sobriety. Join us on
this journey of healing and discovery.

Understanding Holistic Recovery:

Holistic recovery recognizes addiction as more than a physical ailment; it's a complex interplay of psychological, emotional, and spiritual factors. By addressing all aspects of the individual, holistic approaches aim for comprehensive healing, not just symptom management.

Mind-Body Connection:

The mind-body connection is pivotal in addiction recovery. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and breathwork not only promote relaxation but also help individuals become more attuned to their physical sensations and emotional states, fostering resilience in the face of cravings and stress.

Nutrition and Wellness:

Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting recovery by replenishing vital nutrients depleted by substance abuse and promoting overall well-being. Incorporating balanced meal plans and healthy lifestyle choices can stabilize mood, reduce cravings, and enhance energy levels, laying a strong foundation for sobriety.

Alternative Therapies:

Alternative therapies offer diverse avenues for healing, allowing individuals to explore creative expression, relaxation, and emotional release. From acupuncture and massage therapy to art and music therapy, these modalities complement traditional treatment approaches, catering to individual preferences and needs.

Spiritual Connection:

Spirituality provides a profound source of strength and purpose in the recovery journey. Whether through meditation, prayer, or connection with nature, nurturing one's spiritual beliefs and values can offer solace, guidance, and a sense of belonging, enriching the path to sobriety.

Integrating Holistic Approaches into Treatment:

At Sudhar Kendra Pokhara, we integrate holistic approaches into our comprehensive treatment programs, recognizing the value of addressing the whole person in recovery. By combining traditional medical interventions with holistic modalities, we offer a holistic path to healing and transformation.

Holistic approaches in addiction recovery offer a powerful pathway to comprehensive healing and lasting sobriety. By embracing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, individuals can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience, and renewal. Join us at Sudhar Kendra Pokhara as we navigate the holistic terrain of recovery, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives and thrive in sobriety.

Explore our holistic approach to addiction recovery at

Recognizing Substance Abuse: A Guide by Nabajiban Sudhar Kendra in Pokhara

Nabajiban Sudhar Kendra, nestled in the heart of Pokhara, plays a crucial role in fostering positive change and rehabilitation. Understanding the signs and symptoms of substance abuse is pivotal for the community, friends, and family to provide timely support to those in need. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you recognize when someone might be struggling with drugs and/or alcohol.

Behavioral Changes:

Defying Authority or Breaking Rules:

  • Individuals grappling with substance abuse may exhibit defiance towards authority figures and a tendency to break rules.


  • A noticeable increase in irritability can be a sign of underlying issues related to substance misuse.

Unreliable Behavior:

  • Substance abuse often leads to erratic and unreliable behavior, affecting daily responsibilities and commitments.

Isolation from and Deterioration of Important Relationships:

  • A person facing substance-related challenges may withdraw from significant relationships, causing a decline in their quality.

Impaired Memory, Concentration, or Confusion:

  • Substance abuse can impact cognitive functions, leading to memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, or confusion.

Secretive Actions:

  • Individuals struggling with substance issues may become secretive, attempting to conceal their habits and activities.

Physical Changes:

Fluctuations in Energy Levels:

  • Substance abuse can result in noticeable energy level fluctuations, ranging from hyperactivity to lethargy.

Decline in Personal Hygiene:

  • A decline in personal hygiene standards may be evident as individuals prioritize substance use over self-care.

Changes in Eyes:

  • Physical changes in the eyes, such as being bloodshot, dilated, glazed, or having pinpoint pupils, can be indicative of substance misuse.

Noticeable Weight Fluctuations:

  • Significant changes in weight, either gain or loss, may be observed in individuals dealing with substance-related issues.

Use of Cover-ups:

  • Employing cover-up strategies, such as sunglasses, breath mints, incense, or room freshener, is common among those attempting to hide substance use.

Drug and/or Alcohol Usage, including Prescription Drugs:

Excessive or Inappropriate Substance Use:

  • Individuals may engage in excessive or inappropriate consumption of alcohol or other substances as a coping mechanism.

Preoccupation with Obtaining or Using Substances:

  • A heightened focus on obtaining and using substances may become a central aspect of their daily lives.

Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when limiting or stopping alcohol or drug use is a clear indication of dependence.

If you suspect someone in the community is grappling with substance abuse, don't hesitate to reach out to Nabajiban Sudhar Kendra in Pokhara. The dedicated counselors at the center can provide guidance on the steps you can take to support individuals on their journey to recovery. Recognizing the signs is the first step toward fostering a healthier and more vibrant community.

Nurturing Relationships in Rehabilitation: Rebuilding Connections for Lasting Recovery

 Welcome to Naba Jivan Nepal's official blog, dedicated to exploring the vital role of relationships in the process of rehabilitation and long-term recovery. Rehabilitation is not just an individual journey; it is a collective effort that involves rebuilding connections with loved ones, establishing a support network, and fostering healthy relationships. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of nurturing relationships during rehabilitation and provide practical tips for creating strong, supportive bonds that contribute to lasting recovery.

Rebuilding Trust: Restoring Relationships after Addiction

This blog post focuses on the challenges of rebuilding trust in relationships affected by addiction. It offers insights into the process of healing damaged trust and provides practical strategies for rebuilding strong foundations based on open communication, empathy, and accountability.

Family Dynamics in Rehabilitation: Supporting the Healing Journey Together

Family plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process. In this blog post, we explore the dynamics of family relationships during recovery and offer guidance on how to foster a supportive and understanding environment. We discuss effective communication techniques, setting healthy boundaries, and engaging in family therapy to enhance the healing journey for both the individual in recovery and their loved ones.

Creating a Supportive Network: Finding Strength in Community

Building a supportive network is essential for sustaining long-term recovery. This blog post highlights the importance of connecting with like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of rehabilitation. We provide insights into finding support groups, engaging in peer mentorship, and utilizing community resources to create a strong support system that fosters sustained sobriety and personal growth.

Intimacy and Relationships in Recovery: Navigating Love and Connection

This blog post explores the complexities of romantic relationships during the rehabilitation process. It offers guidance on navigating dating, intimacy, and maintaining healthy boundaries while focusing on personal recovery. We discuss strategies for open communication, building trust, and fostering supportive partnerships that contribute to a fulfilling and balanced life after rehabilitation.


Nurturing relationships during the rehabilitation journey is an integral part of achieving long-term recovery and personal growth. Through our blog, we aim to provide valuable insights, practical advice, and encouragement for individuals seeking to rebuild connections, foster support networks, and cultivate healthy relationships that contribute to a fulfilling life beyond rehabilitation. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and together, we can create a foundation of lasting recovery and meaningful connections.

Overcoming Addiction: The Benefits of Seeking Treatment at a Rehabilitation Center

 Addiction is a major problem that affects millions of people around the world. Whether it's drugs, alcohol, or other bad habits, addiction can have a devastating impact on individuals and their loved ones. Fortunately, there are rehabilitation centers that specialize in helping people overcome addiction and regain control of their lives.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, seeking treatment at a rehabilitation center can be a life-changing decision. Here are some of the benefits of seeking treatment at a rehabilitation center:

Benefits of Seeking Tretment at a Rehabilitation center

  • Professional Support
  • Safe and Supportive Environment
  • Individualized treatment plan
  • Holistic approach
  • Aftercare Support

Professional Support

Rehabilitation centers have trained professionals who specialize in addiction treatment. They provide a wide range of services, including counseling, therapy, and medical support. These professionals can help you understand the root causes of your addiction and provide you with the tools and resources you need to overcome it.

Safe and Supportive Environment

Rehabilitation centers provide a safe and supportive environment where you can focus on your recovery without the distractions and triggers of everyday life. You'll be surrounded by people who understand what you're going through and who are there to support you every step of the way.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Every person's addiction is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. Rehabilitation centers create individualized treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. This personalized approach can help you achieve long-term success and maintain your sobrie

Holistic Approach

Rehabilitation centers take a holistic approach to addiction treatment, addressing not just the physical symptoms of addiction but also the emotional and psychological factors that contribute to it. This approach can help you develop the skills and strategies you need to cope with the challenges of life without turning to drugs or alcohol.

Aftercare Support

Rehabilitation centers provide ongoing support and aftercare to help you maintain your sobriety and prevent relapse. This may include counseling, therapy, support groups, and other resources to help you stay on track and continue to make progress in your recovery.

In conclusion, seeking treatment at a rehabilitation center can be a life-changing decision for anyone struggling with addiction. With professional support, a safe and supportive environment, individualized treatment plans, a holistic approach, and ongoing aftercare support, rehabilitation centers provide the tools and resources you need to overcome addiction and regain control of your life. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, don't hesitate to reach out for help.

नब जिबन नेपाल परिवार को सुभ संदेश


नब जिबन नेपाल मा हजुर हरु लाइ हार्दिक हार्दिक सु- स्वागत छ 

नब जिबन नेपाल एक नितान्त नाफा रहित गैर्ह नाफा मुलक सामाजिक सस्था हो जहा हामि आधुनिक तरिका मा समाज अनि तपाइँ हरु को घर परिवार मा रहेका लागु पर्दाथ अनि मादक पर्दाथ प्रयोग गर्ने आफन्त अनि परिवार का सदश्य हरु लाइ स- प्रेम अनि सम्मानजनक रुप मा आधुनिक तरिका मा उपचार गरेर पुर्नस्थापना गरेर फेरी सफल अनि सभ्य जिन्दगि जिउन सिकाउने लक्ष्य राख्दछु। 

नब जिबन नेपाल परिवार को प्रमुख  लक्ष्य अनि सफलता भन्नु नै आज सम्म धेरै भन्दा धेरै लागु पर्दाथ र मादक पर्दाथ प्रयोगकर्ता हरु लाइ सफल उपचार गरि समाज अनि घर परिवार मा पुर्न स्थापना गर्दै अमुल्य जिन्दगि लाइ जिउने एक आधार प्रदान गर्दै छौ।  

नब जिबन नेपाल तपाइँ कै घर परिवार अनि समाज का दुर्व्यसनी तथा दुर्व्यसन मा फसेका हजारौ ब्याक्ति हरु लाइ घर परिवार को सहमति मै सफल उपहार गर्दै सभ्य व्यक्ति बनाउदै जिन्दगि को मुल्य सिकौदै फेरी एक नया नव जिबन जिउने आधार दिने गर्दछौ। 

नब जिबन नेपाल निरन्तर रुप मा समाज अनि घर परिवार मा सिक्षा अनि जनचेतना का कारण लागु पर्दार्थ अनि मादक पर्दार्थ जस्तो घिन लाग्दो कुलत मा फस्न पुगेका सम्पूर्ण व्यक्ति हरु को एक मात्र गन्तब्य स्थल हो जहा नब जिबन नेपाल सफलता पुर्बक सफल उपचार गरि समाज अनि घर परिवार मा पुर्न स्थापना गर्दै नव जिन्दगि को सुरुवात गर्ने गर्दछ। 

नब जिबन  नेपाल लाइ बिस्वास अनि भरोशा का साथ् आशा छ कि,

सधैब हजुर हरु को साथ् माया अनि सल्लहा सुझाब ले अगाडी बढ्न सधै हौसला दिने छ। 

आउनु होस् ! तपाइँ अनि हामि मिलि एक सभ्य समाज अनि कुलत र लत बिना को सभ्य समाज बनाउने प्रण का साथ् हातो मेलो गर्दै समाज अनि घर परिवार मा रहेका ति दुर्व्यसनी व्यक्ति हरु लाइ एक मौका दिदै नव जिबन को सुभ कामना दिउ। 


नब जिबन नेपाल परिवार 

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